Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Michigan's Governor and Republicans in the Legislature are Contemptable Greedy Bastards

If something is wrong...The branch of the Republican party typified by the Koch brother and the high rollers who funded the oligarch, Mitt Romney's, failed run for President of the United States of America see the writing on the wall.  They are on their way out and their true-believer free market religion is sick and may die as it's recognized for what it truly is -- a plan for serfdom of the common citizen wrapped in the framed myth of "individual liberties" and "freedom" (without having much to do with either.  Why do I think this?  Because the Republicans in Michigan are behaving like angry feral cats that are trapped and about to be neutered.  They are striking out and clawing as hard as possible at the source, as they see it, of resistance -- the Unions.

The paradigm is changing.  We've heard about it since the re-election of President Barack Obama.  The make up of the population is changing.  Unfortunately for conservatives and other plutocrats, the shift in the population is favoring Progressive issues such as marriage equality, abortion rights, pot legalization, the election of non-white Presidents, and Labor rights.  In the case of the Michigan Republicans, the last election didn't work out all that well for them and Democrats, who are generally more pro-Union, picked up seats while Republicans lost.  While the Republicans currently have a super-majority in the Michigan State Legislature, they will loose that single party dictatorship in January.  Their back is against the wall and they have chosen to do as much damage as possible to their largest progressive opponents.  Not only have Unions stood for the Middle Class (having had a significant hand in creating it) and all workers, they are willing to put their money where their mouth is by funding politicians who support Labor.  As many Republicans have been bankrolled by corporations or have bought the party line meant to benefit management, most Union money goes to Democrats who do support workers' issues.  So, in Michigan, they moved to eliminate one of the greatest accomplishments of American Society and that of the world as a whole.  The so called "right to work" law is not about economics.  It is not about giving workers choice.  It's about politics and nothing more.  The Republicans see their position is eroding and they are trying to do as much damage as possible before they loose control by starving or bankrupting the Unions.

What about Rick Snyder, Michigan's Governor?  Either he's a coward or he's been lying to the citizens of Michigan.  His past statements are more than adequate to demonstrate his hypocrisy on this issue -- having both said he wanted nothing to do with it and that his signing of the "right to work" law would be too divisive for Michigan.  Within the last week, he has entirely reversed the positions he supposedly previously held and signed the anti-Union bill the moment it was rammed through the legislature without public comment and under extremely questionable circumstances.  He is nothing but an enemy of the Middle Class.  He has chosen to side with his plutocrat and oligarch masters.  No matter how hard he tries, he can't polish this turd and must be held accountable.  Perhaps a recall is in his future.  I hope one is.

Expect more of this kind of behavior in the future.  We've already seen how disruptive the do-nothing House of Representatives has been in Washington, DC.  Likewise, the abuse of the filibuster and anonymous member holds in the Senate has further illustrated the plutocrats unwillingness to accept reality and work to help ove this country forward and towards the benefit of all citizens.  As the old boys club Republicans and their oligarch masters start realizeing their backs are against the wall, they will start doing more and more actions like those in Michigan.  They want to keep their power over the rest of us.  Money will flow.  Politicians will be bought and more and more anti-Labor, anti-Choice, anti-Marriage Equality laws will be past in legislatures controlled by conservatives while they still have power.

If these conservative plutocrats are allowed their agendas, we will be further on the path towards corporate and oligarch domination of the common person.  We will continue to work more for less while our corporate overlords continue to try and distract us with phrases like "freedom" and materialistic bangles like iPads and designer jeans.  The United States has been a leader in the fight for Workers' Rights and we must fight to continue our progress toward equal rights for all people.  We must stand in Solidarity!  By allowing Republican plutocrats to behave like they are in Michigan, we will harm the Middle Class and we will further prevent those living in poverty from improving their lives.  Michigan is a call to action!  The game is changing and the push towards laws meant to protect the 1% and their obscene profits off of the backs of workers will increase and we can not afford to sit on the sidelines.  It is up to all of us to write our representatives and let them know behavior like this is unacceptable.  We must boycott.  We need to be ready to prtest.  If forced into the situation by management, we need to be ready to strike.  Remember these insults upon the working poulace of Michigan and the
Country when you go to the voting booth.  Vote these greedy bastards out of office!  We must elect people who are willing to represent all of us regardless of our financial situation.

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